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7 in '17

We are already a week into 2017. By now many of those New Year resolutions are in the same place as the wrapping paper from your Christmas presents ... in the trash. Your resolutions may not have made it, but the first of the year is a good time to make some changes. In recruiting, this means revising and enhancing your recruiting material (i.e. online postings, emails, advertisements, brochures, etc.). Below are seven simple things for 2017 that will maximize your recruiting efforts. I’ve decided to use the acrostic R.E.C.R.U.I.T to make them easier to remember.

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Courting the Physician Candidate — and Their Family

As the old saying goes, you only get one chance to make a good first impression.

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Have you tried a physician recruitment heartstrings campaign?

“Come back to Columbia, Mo.”

That’s what the ad on the righthand side of my Facebook homepage said. It caught my eye as I scrolled through my newsfeed one day just a few months after I’d moved away from Columbia, Missouri, where I’d recently finished grad school. The ad included a little picture of what students called “the Columns,” undoubtedly the most recognizable spot on the University of Missouri’s campus and most iconic symbol of the school.

And, boy, did it tug on my heart. (“Hit me right in the feels,” as they say on the internet.) I was in the midst of that unenviable, inevitable post-grad job-seeking stage, trying to figure out where to put my new degree to use. I’d deliberately moved to be nearer family—to be home—but that little ad (produced by the school’s alumni department) tugged on the part of me that knew I had left another home behind. Out of all the countless Facebook ads I have scrolled past over the years, that ad is the only one whose headline and image I still remember.

Just as Facebook advertisers could target (and tug at) me based on my current and past locations, physician recruiters, too, can use PracticeLink to target specific physicians based on their current and past locations. You can create effective “heartstrings campaigns” by sharing your jobs with specific audiences whose hearts are already tied to your area in some way.

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What's Your Best Travel Tip?

I have a friend who recently accepted a new position that requires her to travel about 50 percent of her time. She hasn’t traveled much except for pleasure, so she came to me for advice. “What is one tip you’d give a frequent flyer?” she asked.

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