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What's Your Best Travel Tip?

Tiffanie Lee
Posted by Tiffanie Lee on Dec 1, 2016 2:31:24 PM
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I have a friend who recently accepted a new position that requires her to travel about 50 percent of her time. She hasn’t traveled much except for pleasure, so she came to me for advice. “What is one tip you’d give a frequent flyer?” she asked.

One of the aspects of my job I enjoy the most is the opportunity to travel pretty regularly. It’s conducive to my personality and working style. As a physician recruiter (with the fall travel season winding down), you, too, may be a frequent flyer. (Next up on my schedule is PracticeLink Live! San Francisco…maybe I’ll even see you there!)

My advice to her, without hesitation, was this: “Always take the earliest flight possible.” That advice might be helpful for you, too, as you’re planning your 2017 travel.

I’ve learned that waking up at the crack of dawn for that early morning flight ALMOST always pays off for several reasons:

  • Driving to the airport is a breeze due to less traffic
  • There are (usually) shorter lines at the airport
  • There are fewer delays on early morning flights (And if you are delayed, it won’t ruin much of your day because it is only 6 a.m.!)
  • Many times, the earliest flights are cheaper

Arriving to my destination early with a whole day ahead helps a travel day not kill total productivity. My last piece of advice (for all of those caffeine junkies like myself) is to invest in a great espresso machine. You’re going to need it to make those early flights!

As the 2017 travel season winds down, what is your best travel tip?

Topics: Physician Recruiting Tips

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