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7 in '17

Eric Martin
Posted by Eric Martin on Jan 11, 2017 1:45:58 PM

NewYear2017.jpgWe are already a week into 2017. By now many of those New Year resolutions are in the same place as the wrapping paper from your Christmas presents ... in the trash. Your resolutions may not have made it, but the first of the year is a good time to make some changes. In recruiting, this means revising and enhancing your recruiting material (i.e. online postings, emails, advertisements, brochures, etc.). Below are seven simple things for 2017 that will maximize your recruiting efforts. I’ve decided to use the acrostic R.E.C.R.U.I.T to make them easier to remember.


The majority of candidates use mobile devices when searching for job opportunities. Keep your emails and job descriptions short enough to be easily read on a phone, but ensure they have substance and clear call to action.

E Educate yourself

“If you are not moving forward, you are falling behind” is a commonly used quote, and it pertains to any aspect of life. Take the time to improve yourself. By attending conferences/webinars, reading industry related articles, or becoming certified (e.g. ASPR or PRIT), you increase your knowledge and value.

CCommunicate quickly

This is a candidate’s market — there are a sea of opportunities available to them; they do not have to wait for you. You should be contacting them promptly and effectively because rest assured your competitors are.

RRefresh your job postings

Candidates do not want to look at a posting that is a year old. Their first thought would be, “If the job has been open for this long, why would I want it?” Also, be sure to refresh and also enhance. View your posting as a candidate would view it. Is it appealing to you? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Are there things you could add to make it attract even the most passive candidate?

UUpdate the verbiage

If the subject lines on your email and job posting are the same as what they were several years, it is time for an update. Times change, people change, slogans change ... so should your verbiage.

 I – Invent (or reinvent) your approach

Is your recruitment process the same as it was 10 years ago? If so, perhaps it’s time to change it up. Try modernizing your postings, emails, advertisements, or any channels that you are using to better appeal to today’s physician … think Millennials! For example, are there different media to use to communicate (text, Skype)? Is your recruitment video still on CD-ROM instead of YouTube? Do your job postings look similar to an old classified ad or are you using all of the features available (video, slideshows, logos) to make it more visually attractive and appealing?

T - Think like a candidate

Many times we create postings that only include what we want and expect from the candidate. What does the candidate want to know? What types of questions will they have that you can answer in a job posting or an email? If you were searching for a new position, what would you want to know? What would attract you? What was it that attracted your current best hires to your organization and community? All of these questions should be considered when you’re crafting your posting. If your posting is only one-sided, showing no reciprocity (not including what you can do for them!), you’re not effectively communicating your value proposition as an employer.

Remember, R.E.C.R.U.I.T! Change your strategies and tactics up a little this year, and hopefully you’ll reap great rewards!

Topics: Physician Recruiting Tips

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