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How much time does it take to recruit a physician?

Physician recruitment is a process that can take anywhere from a few months to years depending on a variety of factors. The vetting and hiring process for physicians has become more intense over the years, which can help recruiters ensure a strong match and better long-term retention. Things to consider when implementing your recruitment plan are: the type of physicians you are targeting, the specialty you are in search of, and the location of your facility.

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Physician recruitment is hardest for these specialties right now

The results are in for the latest PracticeLink Physician Recruitment Index, a quarterly analysis of the medical specialties that are the most challenging to recruit and the most in demand. 

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What physician candidates and college football fans have in common

College football season is upon us, and with it comes a full breadth of fandom. I think you know what I mean—there are the fans, and then there are the FANS. There are those with a team T-shirt or two, and there are those who don’t need a T-shirt … because they paint their bare torsos in school colors. They may also don a wig and a foam finger.

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Market your physician job opening on a shoestring

You need to find a physician and fast, but you don’t have an enormous recruitment budget. You’re in the ultimate Catch-22 situation. Every day that you don’t fill that physician vacancy, your organization bleeds money...but you can’t spend anywhere near the amount you're losing to find the physician you need. 

Frustrating, isn’t it? There are some things you can do right now.

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