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A physician recruiter’s guide to email part 2: Get your email opened

Congratulations! You successfully avoided the spam filters, and your email has landed in a physician's inbox. Now let’s see if your email can pass the subject line test.

Every morning at 5:45 a.m., my alarm sounds. Like most Americans, before I get out of bed, I look at my phone. One recent morning, I had 113 emails in my personal inbox and an additional 233 waiting for me at work. Do I read all of these emails? Of course not! Instead, I skim.

I look at each of the subject lines and I ask myself, “How does this benefit me?” If the answer is “It doesn’t,” then into the trash it goes.

This is the same process that physicians use to manage their own inboxes every day. It is human nature to want to know why they should spend their time opening your email.

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A physician recruiter’s guide to email part 1: Getting email delivered


In college, my favorite professor gave an example of an advertising campaign gone wrong. It’s a slogan you’ve likely heard: “Where’s the beef?”

But even if you remember the catchphrase, how many of you can remember which fast food chain ran the campaign?

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7 physician site visit gifts better than a partridge in a pear tree (and good all year long)

A duo-physician couple traveled to MidMichigan Health with their two young daughters to evaluate new opportunities and a new community.

Waiting for them upon their arrival was a thoughtful basket filled with handmade items from a local store, featuring products made by artisans in Haiti.

The gifts were a hit—but even more important was the feeling it left with the family. The gift sent a message: we’ve prepared well for you, and we’d like to welcome you with wide-open arms.

During December, it’s natural to think about gifts. But how do gifts play a role in your physician recruitment strategy year-round?

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The most in-demand physician specialties right now

Knowing which physician specialties are the most in-demand—and what the supply of job-seekers in those specialties looks like—can prompt physician recruiters to flex their strategies accordingly.

The just-released PracticeLink Physician Recruitment Index of the Most In-Demand Specialties can help. The Index contains the specialties with the most jobs posted on PracticeLink, and are then ranked by hardest to recruit.

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