In 2018, PracticeLink Live! Physician Career Fairs have added 5 new cities, new bundled packages, and a great new partner.
Those of us in the conference world—and the physician recruiters who are road warriors for their organizations—enjoy these few slow months of summer to relax a bit from our busy spring season.
But all too soon, fall will be here again—and we need to gear up for another very busy few months of recruiter meetings and physician specialty conferences.
The lazy days of summer are a great time to start looking at ways to refresh your booth presence and recharge your trade show display. Here are a few ways physician recruiters can refresh and recharge their presence on the trade show floor.
Mark your calendar for our 2017 PracticeLink University Recruiter Workshops and PracticeLink Live! Physician Job Fairs & Job-Search Seminars! First up, St. Louis on January 26th!