The Philadelphia PracticeLink Live! Physician Job Fair is just around the corner. Make the most of it by spreading the word beforehand — let physicians and colleagues know you'll be at the event. Here are six quick ways to do so:
1. Email the physicians in your address book.
If you have physicians in your address book or have a marketing list available, send a quick email to share details about PracticeLink Live! Philadelphia and to let physicians know they can learn about your opportunities, not to mention advance their own careers, at the event.
2. Put it in your email signature.
Let every email you send help to spread the word! Simply add this to your email signature:
I'll be exhibiting at the PracticeLink Live! Philadelphia Physician Job Fair on October 13th at the Sheraton Philadelphia University City. Stop by to learn about physician jobs with our organization!
3. Reach out specifically to your hot prospects.
In addition to emailing your physician contacts, reach out specifically to your hot prospects by phone or a more personal email. Invite them to come learn more about your opportunities in a less formal environment — while enjoying delicious food and drinks. The event is a win-win for physicians, who can not only network with hospital representatives but also attend the job-search seminar.
4. Put it on your residents' calendar.
If your organization has (or partners with) a residency program, put PracticeLink Live! on the residents' calendar. It's another quick way to spread awareness about the event and show what your department is doing to reach out to residents.
5. Partner with program coordinators.
Don't forget to make the most of your relationships with residency program coordinators. Call or email program coordinator connections to let them know you'll be at PracticeLink Live! and to encourage them to share the event details with their residents and fellows.
6. Share the event on social media.
Share the event page on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn — both through your personal accounts and through your organization's, if you have access — to let your social followers know they can learn more about your jobs at the event.
We can't wait to see you at PracticeLink Live! Philadelphia.
If you have any questions about the event, email ProTeam@PracticeLink.com or call (800) 776-8383.