Physician recruiters fill open positions to heal communities every day. It is not always an easy task, and a great deal of responsibility falls on them. Recruitment tools can help ease the burden of those day-to-day tasks, but how do you know what tools provide the best value?
MultiCare Health System
Location: Washington state
Size of organization: 8 hospitals + about 150 point-of-care locations
PracticeLink Product: PracticeLink Recruitment Management System (RMS) and PowerPack
Savings: over $200,000
Mike Peterson leads a team of 10 in-house recruiters at MultiCare Health System, a not-for-profit healthcare organization that serves a large area in upstate Washington. With eight hospitals and more than 150 other point of care locations to staff physicians and advanced practice providers, the recruitment team at MultiCare has their work cut out for them.
Have you added up how much a physician or advanced practice provider vacancy costs? If not, the numbers might be alarming.
Many factors contribute to the high costs of physician and APP vacancies, including search firm/agency costs, recruitment and interview expenses, lost revenue and physician burnout.