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Dos and don’ts of written communication

How much could you communicate with only five words?

Probably more than you think.

Consider the Pixar movie “Wall-E.” Its lead character, a scrappy robot, only spoke a handful of words but still conveyed enough messages and emotions to lead a full-length film that earned  an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and a Golden Globe for Best Animated Film.

But how did he do this while uttering only a handful of words and sounds?

Nonverbal communication.

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10 steps in a candidate's job search (and your role as the recruiter)

Just like you have a structure to your physician search, job-seeking residents, fellows and advanced practice providers are best served by developing a plan or strategy to guide them through the steps of their job search. One way they can do that is through the publication First Practice, The Resident and Fellow Career Guide, which proposes a 10-step timeline to help candidates form that strategy – and better connect with you.

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Keeping your kidneys healthy

Kidneys work hard to maintain the body’s health, so this month – National Kidney Month – get to know and support the ways to keep them functioning properly. According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in three Americans is at risk for kidney disease and at a greater risk if they have diabetes, high blood pressure, family history of kidney failure or are over the age of 60.

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Deepen your candidate pool while reaching passive candidates

It might sound difficult to both expand your candidate funnel and reach passive candidates, but it’s certainly possible. Every year, there are dozens of specialty conferences throughout the country where you can meet quality candidates or receive their information.

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A recruiter’s guide to physician salary and compensation surveys

The biggest salary doesn’t necessarily make the best offer. Read More

Using PracticeLink

Is your organization’s profile working?

Let’s say you’re looking for a new bank. You head to a review site to seek out promising options for an organization that you can trust and will fulfill your needs. When you head to the first...Read More

Employer Branding

Building trust with your candidates

Trust is an important trait in all relationships, and that rings true with the association between recruiter and candidate. When a candidate trusts you, they will feel comfortable sharing information...Read More


A recruiter’s guide to physician salary and compensation surveys

The biggest salary doesn’t necessarily make the best offer. Read more

Minimizing work stress around time off

There are many things that can cause stress when on the job, but what about when you’re not working? Maybe certain stressors from work follow you into personal time, or maybe as a physician...Read more