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What recruiters should remember about the HHS program for J-1 visa waivers

There are a host of ways you may recruit physicians for your openings. One of these is to help you fill your open position with a physician or surgeon who needs a waiver of their J-1 visa.

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What recruiters should keep in mind about the Conrad 30 program

When you strategize about the various ways to fill your open positions, one available avenue is the J-1 visa waiver program using Conrad 30.

Conrad 30 lets physicians stay in the United States after residency and/or fellowship training. Under the program, each state is allowed to submit 30 physicians to the U.S. Department of State for a J-1 visa waiver.

As you may be aware, physicians who come to the U.S. on a J-1 visa must return to their home country once they finish their residency or fellowship training unless they obtain a waiver.

Although Conrad 30 is a great resource, it helps to know the program’s limitations. One of them is the time each state has for accepting these applications. The federal government's fiscal year is from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, and each Conrad 30 J-1 visa waiver program follows a similar timeline in almost every state.

Conrad 30 programs may begin their process on Oct. 1, or they may have already begun the process. 

 View the states, contacts and deadlines as published on their websites. 

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Building trust with your candidates

Trust is an important trait in all relationships, and that rings true with the association between recruiter and candidate. When a candidate trusts you, they will feel comfortable sharing information about themselves, open up to you and work with you throughout the recruitment process.

But how do you build trust before speaking with a candidate, and while you’re recruiting them?

Here are ways to establish credibility and provide great service in your recruitment.

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Is your organization’s profile working?

Let’s say you’re looking for a new bank. You head to a review site to seek out promising options for an organization that you can trust and will fulfill your needs. When you head to the first prospect’s website, it’s practically abandoned. There’s little description of their services, few features highlighted, no visuals or contact information, and not much to inspire confidence that this is the right place to handle something as important as your finances. Based on your first look at their brand, you might continue searching for something more appealing, inviting and compelling, right? 

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