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Why Physicians Choose PracticeLink

In today's inTraining webinar, Why Physicians Use PracticeLink: A View from the Other Side, I talked about how putting yourself in the candidates’ shoes can give you a whole new perspective on your physician recruitment process.

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Craft irresistible job postings to attract the best talent

Writing a great job posting isn't always an easy task. For a busy physician recruiter though, it’s worth it to spend a little extra time and effort on the job posting if you want to attract the best of the best candidates. You need to get their attention quickly and provide a meaty description to attract the ideal candidate. Here are some guidelines that might help you stand out from the competition.

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How will you grow your physician recruitment skills today?

The life of a recruiter is demanding. It doesn’t stop at 5 p.m.—it constantly requires you to be on the phone, traveling, checking emails, interviewing, touring, meeting with department chairs and hiring managers and so on. This often leaves little time for you to learn and grow professionally. Unfortunately, there is no standing still when it comes to learning—you’re either learning or being left behind.

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Who are your top physicians—and why does it matter?

If you don’t know who your current top physicians are, figuring out who they are should be at the top of your priority list! One of the best ways to convey a strong employer brand for attracting new talent is by equipping your current physicians to act as brand ambassadors. Your providers are, after all, both the face of your brand and the people who best understand what it is like to practice within your organization. They can provide a clear picture for potential hires about things like:

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