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Recruiter spotlight: Kyle Hayman, Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Kate Brannen Smith
Posted by Kate Brannen Smith on May 11, 2017 8:15:00 AM

You might have a similar story: A tough search open for a long time. Then, through hard work and diligence, you find a candidate who fits your organization's needs and culture, and a successful hire is made. It's stories like these that makes Kyle Hayman, DASPR, proud to be a physician recruiter. And it's stories like these that make PracticeLink proud to play a role.

We recently caught up with Kyle, physician recruiter for Dartmouth-Hitchcock in New England. He shared his challenges, successes and tips for fellow recruiters both in the blog below and in a video interview you can click here to watch!

Kyle Hayman.png
What does being a physician recruiter mean to you?

“Being able to positively impact health care, so finding the best candidates to work in our clinics and treat generations to come.”

When is a time you knew you made a difference?
“We placed an orthopedic surgeon in a search that had been open for quite some time, and afterwards the orthopedic chair and the administrative director came to me to say that I had been a gamechanger and that they genuinely appreciated my feedback and they trusted my feedback on that candidate to make a job offer.”

What is your biggest recruitment challenge? 
“Our location—our health care system is located in northern New England, so sometimes it’s challenging to not only find a candidate who wants to practice in rural communities but their spouse as well.”

How does PracticeLink help with your recruitment challenges?
“PracticeLink helps with my recruitment challenges due to the in-depth candidate profiles. So I can log in and look at any given candidate and know if they’re looking for a position in academic medicine or if they’re looking to work in a community-based practice or if they have prior experience in research or if they’ve been in private practice. It really helps to fine-tune our search.”

What tips do you have for your fellow recruiters? 
“A tip that I would offer other recruiters is to be enthusiastic and passionate about their work and to be certain to get to know their candidates on a meaningful level so that you make the best placement possible.”

We'd love to feature you in our next Recruiter Spotlight! Email to share your story.

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