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Fact-finding physicians want information upfront

Tiffanie Lee
Posted by Tiffanie Lee on May 13, 2016 11:10:09 AM
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PracticeLink Fun Fact Friday

According to a recent PracticeLink survey of more than 300 physicians, 67.43% of physicians are more likely to directly apply online to a job posting than to contact the hiring recruiter directly. What does this mean for you?

This means you should use job boards, of course! But, it also shows that physicians are no different than many of us in today’s society. We are fortunate enough to have a plethora of information at our fingertips, and more often than not, prefer to go on a fact-finding mission and gather as much information as possible before speaking to someone directly. This is precisely the reason your goal should be to maximize the visibility of your employer brand, positioning your organization as the employer of choice and highlighting the major selling points of each opportunity within job postings. Provide as much information as possible for those fact-finding physicians upfront!

Click here to view a five-minute video on why you should choose PracticeLink Online as your recruitment resource!


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