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Do physicians always know where they want to practice?

Tiffanie Lee
Posted by Tiffanie Lee on Jun 3, 2016 1:20:09 PM
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PracticeLink Physician Recruitment Fun Fact Friday

According to a recent PracticeLink survey of more than 600 job-seeking physicians, 61% are looking to relocate; 27% report they would like to stay in the same area; and 12% are unsure of where they want to reside.

What does this mean for you?

When sourcing with PracticeLink’s Active Candidate Database, we suggest starting with a very broad search and then honing in on specifics to better target those ideal candidates that will be a great fit for your organization and community. However, this doesn’t mean you should never look outside of the area the candidate selects in their profile, especially if the candidate has chosen several different locations. (Just make sure you’re clear about why you’re contacting them.) Sure, there are some candidates who only want certain locations for a number of very specific reasons and won’t consider anywhere else. But there are also candidates who are very flexible in location or are simply at a point in life where they just aren’t sure.

For example, while attending the American Thoracic Society conference in San Francisco, I asked the residents and fellows who visited our booth what geographic areas they are looking to practice in once they complete their program. More times than I can count, they responded with answers like, “Definitely East Coast: New York, Boston, Connecticut…but maybe Atlanta or possibly more south.” Or: “Northern or Southern California, but certain East Coast cities or even Chicago would be OK, too.”

So, does this mean you should reach out to all candidates regardless of their selected preferences? Of course not! Respect their time and yours. But it does mean that if you find a candidate who seems to fit all of your needs except for location, do a little more digging into their profile to try and determine how tied they are to the locations they’ve selected. If you do choose to contact a candidate outside of your area, make sure you tell them why you have chosen to contact them and why they should consider your location and opportunity. 

Topics: Fun Fact Friday

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