The physician shortage in the United States continues to loom, with research estimating a shortage of more than 100,000 doctors by 2030. Maintaining a full staff of top-tier talent can be a tall order, as baby boomers enter retirement age, clinicians are reporting “burnout” at alarming rates (up to 48% *1) and some specialties are trying to reduce volumes to enhance outcomes. In part because of this shortage, 70% of clinicians receive 50+ solicitations from recruiters in their final year of training. With demand drastically outpacing supply, site medical directors must be committed to putting their best foot forward to ensure their hospitals are filled with the best and brightest clinicians. One of the most effective tools within the purview of clinical leadership to hire (and retain) to meet your staffing needs is conducting a well-prepared interview. The preparation in the days before and after are essential. Practicing poor, easily correctable interview habits can sour first impressions, increasing the likelihood of missed connections. By cultivating a strong, inviting and consistent interview environment, interviewers set themselves up to find and hire the most qualified candidates.