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Marcia Layton Turner

Marcia Layton Turner is a frequent PracticeLink contributor.

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What makes physician recruitment so challenging?

It’s not your imagination. Physician recruitment is a challenge, and it’s only getting harder. Why? And what can physician recruiters do about it?

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Which job posting model is best for your physician recruitment budget?


To find your next new physician hire, you first have to let them know about the practice opportunities you have. Today, the most efficient way to do that is through online job boards.

The internet is one of the first places residents and physicians turn for information about career opportunities. Once there, they may hunt for openings in particular regions or cities, check out jobs in specific health care systems or practices or by specialty, or search for private practice opportunities. 

So what can you do to connect with physicians, making the best use of your recruiting budget to identify and land a qualified new hire?

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