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Why physician recruiters should still rely on phone calls

Eric Martin
Posted by Eric Martin on Aug 1, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Man on phone

We live in an increasingly digital society. Fifteen years ago we used desktop computers, landlines and fax machines to accomplish what takes only a smartphone today. Email has largely replaced snail mail, and texting has largely replaced phone calls. Technology makes everything more convenient, but it sometimes comes at the cost of quality human interaction.

One of a recruiter’s many hats is that of a salesperson. Recruiters are selling not a product but an opportunity. To sell this successfully requires more than digital communication, which is why the best recruiters also make use of more personal means like phone calls. Though phone calls may be seen as tools used only by older generations, there’s much to be said for the “old” way of establishing relationships.

Phone calls may take more time than emails, but they can give you a better feel for the candidate and vice versa. As shown by the number of physicians who call our physician relations department for information about positions, many candidates would like to speak with someone and gather all the information at one time rather than exchange 10 emails or 25 texts.

Everyone has different communication styles, including physician candidates. If you choose to reach out through email, make sure you include your name and phone number so candidates of all communication styles can follow up. This may seem like common sense, but it’s often overlooked. We have repeatedly seen recruiters send emails through PracticeLink without including names and numbers. In this case, the only way for a candidate to respond is to reply to the email, which is not everyone’s preferred method. This can frustrate candidates and reflect poorly on your organization.

Even if your opportunity appeals to a candidate, they are likely to move on if your message lacks essential information. Take the time to include all the contact info candidates seek; the return can be huge. You just might hear back from that perfect candidate.

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