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Meet Directly With Job-seeking Physicians

Drew Terry
Posted by Drew Terry on Nov 4, 2019 7:56:01 PM

Physician recruiters networking with physicians at a career fair

How do you connect face-to-face with dozens of job-seeking physicians and advanced practice providers, and heighten awareness of your organization and opportunities?

PracticeLink Live! Physician Career Fairs are a unique opportunity to meet prospective candidates and make a first impression.

By exhibiting at a career fair, you can:

  • Increase physician and APP awareness
  • Identify and disqualify candidates
  • Gain rapport and build trust

Each career fair takes place in an upscale setting featuring a complimentary meal, beverages and dessert.

And PracticeLink Live! is more than a career fair. By exhibiting, you also access two free same-day recruiter activities:

  • PracticeLink User Group Session – Gain a deeper understanding of the PracticeLink Recruitment Management System, and share your specific needs
  • Physician Recruitment Seminar – Receive recruiting tips and network with colleagues while earning 2.5 AAPPR CEUs

View 2020 Schedule

Visit our website to see the PracticeLink Live! schedule for 2020, plus the special savings available when you sign up by December 31, 2019.


Topics: Career Fairs, PracticeLink News & Updates

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