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KevinMD previews his keynote speech at the ASPR conference

Posted by Kevin Pho, M.D. on Apr 3, 2018 8:00:00 AM

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My name is Kevin Pho, M.D., and I'm a practicing internal medicine physician and the founder of KevinMD, social media's physician voice.

I’ll be speaking at the annual ASPR conference, which is coming up in Chicago.

My keynote, “Connect and be heard: Make a difference in health care with social media,” will help physician recruiters understand the challenges and opportunities that social media brings to clinicians.

My social media journey began in the early 2000s, when I published my first blog post on a recalled, then-commonly-used medication. A day after my post was published, a patient surprised me in the exam room: She told me she had read my blog! That was when I realized how social media could better connect doctors with patients. 

As physician recruiters, it's important to know that what affects clinicians isn't necessarily confined to a clinic or hospital.

Sometimes, it's what's going on outside the exam room that matters: clinician burnout, health care reform, and having a voice in the public conversation.

Understanding the mindset of clinicians today will help facilitate recruiters' connection with them.

Here’s a peek at what I’ll cover in the ASPR keynote:

  1. How social media can better connect clinicians with patients.

More patients are looking for health information online, and social media gives clinicians a powerful platform to share and create reputable health information.  

  1. How social media can define an online reputation.

Patients Google their clinicians! It's important to use social media to proactively define an online presence.

  1. How social media can make clinicians' voices heard.

Our health world is changing around us, and it's important for clinicians to share their story and be a part of the health care conversation.  

I’m looking forward to seeing you in Chicago, and helping you see how social media made a difference in my life—and how it makes a difference in health care as well.

PracticeLink is proud to sponsor KevinMD’s keynote speech at the annual conference of the Association of Staff Physician Recruiters (ASPR)

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