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Do you need to refresh any of these old physician recruitment habits?

Gray Peretti
Posted by Gray Peretti on May 31, 2017 8:00:00 AM
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We're coming up soon on the halfway mark of 2017, which makes it a great time to take a step back for a quick self evaluation.

All of us, whether you're a physician recruiter or not, can relate to the familiar phrase “old habits die hard.” We all have "old habits" in every aspect of our lives, from work to health to family. But physician recruitment is one industry in particular where sticking with old habits can really hurt!

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With current physician shortages and fierce competition for top talent, it is crucial that your organization establish a reputation as a great place to work. 

Do you need to refresh your approach to these three old habits that may be hurting your physician recruitment activities? 

Old habit 1: Neglecting to follow up with physicians, even if they're not a good fit.

Refresh it! Touch base with candidates, even if it's to let them know they won't be moving on. 

Rejecting a candidate isn’t anyone's favorite job, but it's an important piece of the talent acquisition process and must not be overlooked.

Have you ever wondered if a candidate received your email or phone call, or is still considering your opportunity? We hear from physicians that they, too, are often left wondering. Whether it be at the time of their initial apply or at the end of the hiring process, poor communication on either side can lead to a negative experience.

For physician recruiters, a negative experience can be multiplied when it's shared with a candidate's friends and colleagues. This ultimately can tarnish the positive employer brand you've worked hard to build.

Save both yourself and your candidates time and grief, and commit to open communication throughout the recruitment process. You will find that candidates will appreciate you being timely, upfront and honest about your decision, and will walk away with a more positive candidate experience—one you'll be happy to have them share.


use phone.jpgOld habit 2: Relying on email when communicating with candidates.

Refresh it! Learn to love your phone again.

Have you relinquished your relationship-building process to email, text and instant messages? With an abundance of ways to contact and communicate with candidates, picking up the phone is probably the most underutilized.

Don’t get me wrong—digital communication is necessary and effective. But in order to court a highly qualified, sought-after candidate, you must let the physician know how much you want to hire them. It is a compliment to be pursued, and there is no better way to convey your genuine pursuit than by picking up the phone.

Your ability to communicate your excitement and interest could potentially intrigue the candidate to consider an opportunity they may not have previously.


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Old habit 3: Losing sight of your vision, and instead just going through the motions.

Refresh it! Be pleasant and prepared, and practice smiling into the phone—even if no one can see you!

Physician recruiters have high expectations for candidates throughout the interview process—and they certainly should! The best candidates come to an interview prepared, organized, and with enthusiasm.

As a physician recruiter, you, too, present the best personal and organizational brand you can. Focusing on why you do what you do—the lives you're helping to save by the recruitment you're helping to do—can make it easier to portray that brand even when you don't feel like it.

Stay commited to your vision, stay courteous and informative, and you will leave a positive lasting impression that will encourage candidates to recommend your organization to others. 

With summer underway, and the mid-year checkpoint on the horizon, it's a good time to step back and evaluate any old physicain recruitment habits that need a refresh! 

What old habits are you commiting to kicking to the curb for the rest of 2017? 

Topics: Physician Recruiting Tips

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