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Alexandra Cappetta

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A new perspective on National Mental Health Month

The longer it pervades our lives, the more evident it becomes that COVID-19 isn’t a threat limited to our physical health. The pandemic has changed everything we know about day-to-day life – unearthing a greater awareness that such immediate and intense shifts to routine and structure impact our mindset.  For what feels like the first time, mental health isn’t just relevant to those with pre-existing psychological conditions; the pandemic has proven none of us are exempt from its effects.

As the world copes with a new series of burdens and challenges, this month’s National Mental Health observance can relate to each of us in a new way.      

There are things we can do to cope with stress, but what happens when the unexpected and unprecedented seem to become the norm? How can you care for yourself and continue recruiting candidates effectively? And how can you help candidates cope with job-search stress when a global health crisis is added to the mix?

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The “how” of patient experience: What this week means to physician recruiters

The roles of physicians and recruiters differ in many ways. However, one of their goals is the same: to provide patients the best possible experience at their facilities. Exceptional treatment and healing are a big part of patient satisfaction, and your impact is finding and recruiting the physicians who deliver this exceptional treatment and strive to give patients a positive experience.

This week, the healthcare industry will observe Patient Experience Week to celebrate healthcare staff who create positive patient experiences every day. It’s also a reminder that as a recruiter, your impact on the patient experience is just as great as the physicians you hire. If physicians shape the patient experience, recruiters who find and hire those physicians set the stage. 

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Recruiters share ways to continue business in the current healthcare landscape

Health systems and their physician recruiters are being impacted by COVID-19 in different ways. Sr. physician recruiter Beth Calabria, physician recruitment coordinator Ashley Reaser and system director of medical staff recruitment Sharee Selah from Tower Health share how they’re responding to current changes, and how recruiters can continue to recruit effectively – not just through an updated strategy, but also an updated perspective.

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6 ways COVID-19 is changing physician recruitment and what that means for your strategy

You’ve already experienced the effects of COVID-19 on your day-to-day recruitment processes. While we can’t predict every change physician recruitment will undergo, we do know the coronavirus has had immediate implications for recruiters.

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