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Addressing recruiter concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic

Eric Martin
Posted by Eric Martin on Mar 24, 2020 11:00:00 AM

COVID-19 is causing recruiters to adjust their methods like moving to video interviewsEvery industry is experiencing changes during the spread of COVID-19, and it could be said healthcare professionals are seeing the biggest changes. As members of the healthcare community, physician and advanced practice provider recruiters are most likely experiencing added pressure and have concerns about how this pandemic will affect their responsibilities.

Below are three impacted areas and ways you can navigate through the challenges.


One of the biggest concerns is how to continue to conduct site visits and interviews. During this time, candidates may refrain from travel or attending in-person interviews. Likewise, recruiters may want to find other ways to meet with candidates while practicing social distancing.

In order to still connect with candidates and move forward with the recruitment process, you can find alternate means of interviewing and meeting with prospective hires. Many industries are moving to video interviews and online meetings. For the beginning of the interview process, connect with candidates through video chat and do virtual tours of their department and facility instead of having them visit in person.


Physicians – and their families – that work for your organization move to your community from all over the nation and the world.  Travel to their hometown, or home country, might be postponed for a decent amount of time. This can get tough for hires, and they will miss their friends and family, which can make it hard on you to see your friends and colleagues in distress.

This is going to be difficult on your colleagues, and it will be difficult to see them going through hard times. Encourage them to reach out to their friends and family members back home and keep in touch with their loved ones as much as they can. You can also contact your colleagues or send them gifts to cheer them up and remind them they have wonderful friends close to their current home.

Filling Open Positions

You most likely had open positions prior to the COVID-19 situation. Physicians, APPs and patients will initially understand a stall in the hiring process with the travel bans and social distancing, but frustrations may increase as they question why recruiters are taking so long to fill positions.

All businesses are adjusting to what is going on in the world. This includes healthcare organizations, so you need to do what you can, but also not be too hard on yourself during this time. Practice self-care and take time for yourself outside of work and family. If you haven’t, now would be a great time to practice meditation and yoga, go for walks, do home workouts, find new books to read, or try any activity that helps you relax and recharge.


Topics: Industry News, physican recruiter

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