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Learn how St. Joseph's Health saves $260,000 in fees each year by relying on

St. Joseph’s Health is a nonprofit health care system with more than 450 beds located in Syracuse, New York. Physician recruiter John Cerniglia relies on to find, communicate with and recruit the physicians his community needs.

“I'm not just saving dollars with PracticeLink–it's also about the retention!”

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John Cerniglia

Physician Recruiter
St. Joseph's Health
PracticeLink user for nine years

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The Case

St. Joseph’s Health is a nonprofit health care system with more than 450 beds located in Syracuse, New York. Physician recruiter John Cerniglia relies on to find, communicate with and recruit the physicians his community needs.

The Challenge

Syracuse's notorious winters—Locals don’t blink at the idea of commuting in snow. But for candidates outside the area, it’s another story.

The Results

Download the case study to find out.